Monday, 7 January 2019

You are never too young to be kind..Anton and Caden are making Alyssa proud

                 The twins were only 4 when they lost their Alyssa but those 4 years spent with her were the most important in their lives. Her love for people, her infectious laugh and love for helping others were instilled in them from the day they came to live with us.
                 The boys are no strangers to the acts of kindness as they have been active members of the Sunshine Squad since it began .
               In December they asked me if they could do a RAOK for someone ,of course I said yes. They went to a home ( who are related  but that doesn't matter) washed walls,  helped put up a Christmas tree and decorated it..not complaining about the manual labour once. They knew what they were doing would help them immensely and make their day. Their giggles and full on belly laughs as they were soaked with soapy water made the chore  a fun activity..of course they are children..we would be moaning and groaning. Alyssa would be so proud of them.

Anton and Caden were also picked  for as the winners of #bethechange campaign from @Tomorrowsheroestoday for the work they do to keep our community clean by picking up recycling when they walk with their great grandparents
     This February the boys will walk in their 4th Coldest Night of the year for Choices for Youth, to help end Teen Homelessness. This will be their 2nd year  fundraising  on their own.. You are never too young to try to make a difference, never too young to help people! I cant wait to see what else this awesome duo do as they grow up.. The seeds of kindness are planted and thriving.

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